Pre-colonization natchez
In order to get a true understanding of the History of a area i have always believed in knowing the background. what was there ? who occupied? and most of all what type of structure did they live by? These should be the first questions asked by a visitor wanting to understand the core culture of a community and where it is today. Most times we forget to think of evolution of a society because we are blinded by the present.
Before colonization of the Natchez area by the French Natchez was colonized by a proud and productive Indian Tribe called the Natchez. Within that tribe was was a proud Free Black man who was respected by the people and a great war leader. His importance and actions is the start of how the story of Natchez takes shape in American History today as his Name is never mentioned in Documents by the French and the the other colonizers of the area .
Now begins my challenge , to tell a story of great city that laid the foundation and hope of Nation to become all that it’s constitution stated. The lies, the personal plots of control and the will of the people for an equal right to enjoy prosperity and happiness through hard work and love of family.
Understanding Natchez History begins now . Through my series of blogs I will walk you through it as it is my duty and love for my city that you understand why we still struggle to get the real story told.
#we exist to tell our story